Posts Tagged ‘bike touring vegan’

Here is a vid of my basic fitness tips.

There isnt a cyclist on the planet I couldnt go out training in the mountains with.

In 2006 I cycled from Seattle down to LA and had a blast. This trip am doing some talks on the east coast and spending most of that in NYC. I really enjoy cycling and running here. The city traffic is VERY conducive to cycle commuting in that its easy to navigate, traffic is pretty slow and friendly compared to Sydney Australia and there is LOTS of bike lanes/cyclists and driver awareness of cyclists.

How’s the food? Well its as good as you get. Even the conventional melons, mangoes, bananas and dates taste as good as any organic in Australia. Dont get me started on how CHEAP stuff is in NYC!

Do I always take my bike with me? You bet! This is how I pack it. Easy! Ive only travelled once overseas with no bike and that SUCKED lol! I love just being able to get up and go, for free, be more eco (we use enough oil as it is anyways), meet more locals, experience more and stay lean, fit and strong.