Whats the best source of protein?

Posted: July 13, 2010 in Uncategorized

The highest source sure aint the best source, thats for sure. Remember, despite the protein paranoia in western society, we still do not have a medical term for protein deficiency. Kwashiorkor and marasmus refer to caloric deficiency. Interesting huh?

All fruits and vegetables have all the essential amino acids. Anyone can prove this by typing in 100g of any fruit or veg into the USDA data base, fitday, nutridairy, crono meter etc. If we EAT ENOUGH CALORIES, we get enough protein automatically.

Dr McDougall wrote about how all plant foods do.



Human mothers breast milk contains around 5-6% of its calories from protein. Fruit contains around 5-6% of its calories from protein. I remember the channel 9 show I did about my diet and Suzzie Burrell who is a lovely  lady but couldnt even run around the block at pace said ‘Fruit simply has zero protein..’. My question is ‘what on earth are they teaching in nutrition these days? Suzzie said I should eat meat, but she nor the camera crew were amused when I tried to catch Suzzie’s cat.. 🙂

Its funny, I have mates that couldnt even keep up with me for 1km on a bicycle and they tell me they wouldnt get enough protein as a vegan and Im like ‘Ive smashed the hill climb time trials I set as a meat eater and Ive cycled over 170 000km as a vegan, so judge by results not theory! 🙂 )

Frances Lappe Moore put out the idea that we need to ‘eat mixed plant foods to get enough essential amino acids..’ but that idea was debunked soon after and FLM in recent books corrects herself.

Magic mushrooms have lots of antioxidants, vitamins and good source of proteins. But they can kill you/make you sick over time. Animal products are the same. Some creatures have different systems. Like a polar bear eats the same diet as the eskimo’s did but polar bears didnt die from osteoporosis like the eskimo’s did. Polar bears need animal products, we dont. There is not a single nutrient found in animal products that we can’t get from plant foods. Even b12 is produced in the human body. Some people live more stressful lives than others, have gastric issues, drug usage etc and could do better with a b12 sublingual or injections.

Cacao is nutrient dense but toxic for sure. Its full o magnesium, love bliss kundalini enzymes, vitamin c, calcium but its loaded with theobromine. Animal products have nutrients but they also have cholesterol, adrenaline, uric acid, saturated fat, parasties, karma etc with em. If someone gave you a choice between training on a bike that was full of red back spiders that bit you each training session and a bike without? Why not take the easy route?  Why do we eat foods that give us ‘nutrients’ but also give us a punch in the guts long term?  I know plenty of athletes that eat junk and perform in spite of their junk eating habits. In a way Im glad they eat junk cos otherwise Id be off the back in every A grade race Ive done lately! 🙂

Ive done the personal experimentation by timing my times over certain climbs since 1997 and last year. 2009 I smashed all my previous records. Ive been a vegan for just over 9 years now. I dont want to ‘tell you what to do’ but I do ask you to question what is encouraged by mainstream society. Cos sometimes, money gets in the way of peoples health..

We must give up the ‘highest source equals the best source’ mentality. Refined sugar is the highest source of carbs but not the best source. Milk is high in calcium but not the best source. Oysters are high in b12 and zinc but not the best source..The lightest bike aint the best bike, the bike that fits and works proper is. The most promoted foods are not the best foods, the ones that best meet human nutritional needs are: Plant foods.

I worked in a shoe shop for many years. I can just imagine if I told em ‘Your a size 10 but you should wear a size 15 cos its more shoe! A size 15 has the highest source of cushioning!…youll be deficient if you wear a size 10!’ When I worked in the bike store I could never have sold a 63cm Cannondale to someone that needed a 48cm! with the reasoning ‘you get more bike for your dollar!’ 🙂

Does that makes sense? The highest source doesnt mean the best source.

Not too much, not too little, we are looking for ‘just right’. ‘Goldilocks nutrition’ Ive heard Doug say..

Thanks for reading.

  1. B-Boy RAiN says:

    Great post! I think people need to stop caring about protein so much. If you eat enough calories everyone will be covered. If your a high performance athlete you will need more calories and therefore get more protein. Almost all food has protein. If people check even their typical OJ carton they will see that there OJ has at least 2 grams of protein. The only protein deficiencies in the world is not from not getting protein but from health complications that inhibit the absorption of protein. The real question people ask is how are you getting your health? It is obvious that what people are doing now is not working. Time for a change! Changer your habits go for high nutrient foods and leave those empty ones behind.

  2. Tam says:

    ‘Your a size 10 but you should wear a size 15 cos its more shoe! Love it! totally makes sense 😉

  3. Cassandra says:

    GREAT POST, Durian Rider!!!!! Love how you put it. Many people insist that they’ve to eat meat cos it has so-and-so nutrient, but there is NO NUTRIENT IN MEAT THAT CANNOT BE FOUND IN PLANTS! (except B12). and with dead flesh comes a whole host of other crap, like you mentioned – cholesterol, saturated fat, antibiotics, pesticides, toxins, etc. You’re seriously my hero!!! Keep riding and rawking!!!!!

  4. durianrider says:

    Thanks Cass.

    B12 is produced in the human body but many people have absorption issues and a supplement is of benefit. We also live in a sterile environment that doesnt help either,plus pollution and stress that sap b12 stores. Thats another reason that b12 deficiency is so wide spread in western society today regardless of ones diet. Ive got raw meat eater friends that eat raw animal flesh everyday and still have low serum b12 levels. They would do better taking a supp for sure.

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